Sunday, January 22, 2012

Why I am always in need of a manicure!

     I have several projects currently in process and will have pics hopefully in the next couple of days :) I spent the day today painting and working on a couple of sewing projects. It was quite mild and I was able to throw open the garage door, roll up my sleeves, and get to work!
      I took a break to go and visit my cousin's grandaughter. That was the most beautiful little baby! It made me nostalgic for the time when I had little babies. Sigh....... what a fleeting time in our lives. I remember at the time thinking that they would never sleep through the night, that I would never be able to take more than a ten minute shower, or that I would ever have any time to myself.  Oh how things have changed. My 15 and 13 yr old daughters are certain that they don't need my help, they would sleep until noon if I would let them, and I find myself with way too much free time where they are concerned. Thank goodness I have a 7 yr old son who tells me that I am his best friend, loves to curl up with me on the couch, and still needs me(atleast to fix his meals).  :) There was a point in sharing all that. The point being that I found myself needing something in my life. Something that wasn't about being a mom. Something that was just for me. Enter furniture refubishing. I never knew how much I would love it. The whole process, from the hunt for the treasure, to looking for its hidden potential, and finally making it Fabulous!
     Stop by my booth if you get a chance and see what I've been working on. Then you'll know why I am always in need of a manicure!
Picnic basket, game board, and vase that went to the booth Saturday

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