Thursday, April 11, 2013

Where Has The Time Gone?!

Wow!!! This roller coaster we call life needs to seriously SLOW DOWN!!! My kids are in the final few weeks of school. How did that happen? It has been a month since my last post. How did that happen? My first born is going to prom with her boyfriend on Saturday. HOW DID THAT HAPPEN? I turned 42 on the 26th of March. Hooooowwwww did that happen?! Snif Snif. Like I said before, things need to slow down. It has been like someone is pushing the fast forward button and they need to let go of the remote. I talk to my friends and it seems to be a universal problem we all are facing. These wonderful, crazy, trying, hectic years of our children at home go way too fast. I am so thankful that I have been able to shift things around in my life and dedicate more time to being Mom. It has helped me feel like I do have a little better grasp on my life at the end of the day. It has however meant other things get pushed to the back burner( blog). I hope some of you readers will continue to hang on for the inconsistent ride we seem to be on! I love being able to share fun projects, daily life, and anything else of great importance with you all!!

Over the next few weeks I am going to have so much to share with you!! Last week I found the most AMAZING lot of items for sale on Craig's List. I am so excited to dig in and get busy on all the fabulous pieces. I can't tell you how lucky I was to stumble upon that listing. It was like God put the perfect gift right in my hands :) The family selling it was super nice and so helpful! Good luck to them on their upcoming move.

I am going to share some booth pictures with you today. Sadly they are outdated as several of the pieces have sold, but I thought you might enjoy seeing what the booth looked like the last couple of weeks :)

I hope you have a wonderful upcoming weekend! I am hoping for more Spring weather and sunshine so I can get busy on some projects!  See you soon!  ~Christy

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