Saturday, February 18, 2012

Did You Miss Me?

     Whew!! It has been busy around here :0)  I have been up to my eyeballs in furniture stripper, sanding, and painting! I have gotten a lot done, but I am exhausted. I found an awesome solid maple table and six Windsor chairs on Craig's List a couple of weeks ago and was finally ready to get started on refinishing it. I had to get my courage up since the chairs and the table legs had been painted with a very heavy hand in a horrible flesh colored paint. Little did I know that the same "heavy hand" had applied not just one color, but three different colors to them. Underneath the fleshy tan was white, then a very vivid blue......what were they thinking?!  This was not going to be one of those happy accidents you stumble across during the sanding process. This was going to be a lot of hard work. After sanding some of the top layer off I applied the stripper and waited for it to do it's job. Apparently the stripper didn't get the memo that it had a job to do. I had to scrape, and scrape, and scrape some more, and apply new layers of chemical, and scrub that with steel wool. And finally I got most(not all by any means)of the paint off.

After stripper but before sanding
The chair on the right is still sporting the skin colored paint. Yuck!

After sanding and painting but before distressing and waxing

I will share the finished product hopefully tomorrow. For now I am going to bed and not stripping any furniture for a while!  See you soon!

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