Saturday, February 11, 2012

To Paint Or Not To Paint?........That Is The Question

     Ok friends, I officially have a dilema on my hands.  I found some really awesome Nichols and Stone Windsor arm chairs last week. I was able to get them for an amazing price(thanks to an error in the ad they ran on Craig's List). I felt guilty, but the very nice lady at the consignment store told me they would absolutely honor the price since it was their mistake.  Alrighty then. My momma didn't raise no fool! I jumped at the chance :)  After getting them home I began to do some research online on Nichols and Stone chairs. I am not very savvy in the world of higher end furnishings. I was SHOCKED to see my chairs listed on ebay for $299 each!! The finish on my chairs is not perfect so I was prepared to sand and paint them black(because I simply ADORE black Windsor chairs)distress them, and wax them. I am totally afraid of ruining the value of the chairs. I did see that Nichols and Stone does a black distressed finish on some of their pieces, so it could be a finish that you might find on these chairs. I just don't know if this particular chair would have been available in that finish as it is no longer in production. I am guessing they are about 20 yrs old.  So my question to you is paint or not paint?
So awesome, but see the finish damage in the seat?

Side view
These are such super awesome chairs! So heavy and well-made. I want to do right by them, but can't you just imagine them black, distressed, and fabulous?!


  1. Hi Christy,
    I just saw a segment on the Nate Berkus Show ( where they found a buffet chest at a thrift store (retailed at $17,000 - it's about half-way through video [link above]). They bought it, painted it, distressed it and it looked great. I think your chairs would look great painted and wouldn't do a disservice to them. You've got beautiful stuff! Karen Braley

  2. Paint it.

    I wouldn't use it as is...but that's just me. Besides, you'll make it look fabulous!
